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Количество страниц: 8 с.

The group composition of asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) in the Irelyakh field and their solubility in the composite solvents on the hexane base with the additives consisting of nonionic surface-active substances (NSAS) and concentrates of aromatic hydrocarbons is determined. The results of the investigations show that the additives Neonol AF-9-10 and liquid products of pyrolysis (LPP) are most efficient. The use of these additives allows to increase the efficiency of ARPD breaking and dissolving by 1,3 – 1,6 times as compared with a base solvent. It is shown that the increase in the concentration of individual additives from 0,5 to 3 % causes a decrease in the efficiency of detergent compounds.

Ivanova, I. K. Hydrocarbon solvents on the hexane base for oil organic deposits elimination of the irelyakh gas and oil field / Izabella K. Ivanova, Elena Yu. Shitz // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2008, N 1. - С. 9.


Количество страниц: 10 с.

Peculiarities of the distribution of high-molecular normal alkylbenzenes in the Vendian-Cambrian oils of the Siberian platform are studied according to the data of chromatomass-spectrometry. The predominance of high-molecular homologues with the odd number of carbon atoms in a molecule is established. The possible biochemical precursors and the probable mechanism of the formation of “odd” monoalkylbenzenes are suggested.

Ivanova, I. K. Monoalkylbenzenes in oils of the Vendian-Cambrian deposits / I. K. Ivanova // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2008, N 1. - С. 23.


Количество страниц: 12 с.

Rheological, structural and oil displacing properties of the solutions of polyacrylamide (PAA) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) are fully investigated in the conditions of abnormally low reservoir temperatures. Physico-chemical processes occurring at a contact of highly mineralized formation water with the polymer solutions of PAA and CMC, which are different in composition, in the pore space of the reservoir are studied. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of hydrodynamic influence on the reservoir in the conditions of the fields of the southwest Yakutia due to the use of displacing compounds on the water-soluble polymer base is established experimentally.

Fyodorova, A. F. Study of possible using the polymer solutions as agents of oil displacement in the fields with abnormally low reservoir temperatures / A. F. Fyodorova, E. Yu. Shitz, A. S. Portnyagin // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2008, N 1. - С. 18.


Количество страниц: 8 с.

In the given work perspectives of combined modification of polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) by fluoroplastic F-4MB in a combination with nanospinel magnesium for the purpose of reception of new cold-resistant polymeric composite materials the tribotechnical appointments with improved deformation-strength characteristics for the oil and gas equipment is shown.

Okhlopkova, A. A. Working out polymeric nanocomposites the tribotechnical appointments for the oil and gas equipment / A. A. Okhlopkova, P. N. Petrova, O. V. Gogoleva // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2009, N 2. - С. 24.


Количество страниц: 12 с.

This article discusses criteria for comparing the effectiveness of energy resources. It focuses on the interrelationship between the effectiveness of energy resources and movement from one technological stage to another. What emerges is the consistent pattern of change in existing technologies, and increasingly evident is that, at their current stage of development, neither nano- nor biotechnology will lead to an evolution from the current and fifth technological stage to a sixth. Of note is that at present oil remains the key energy resource, which means that in the near future peak oil will force us to confront an unprecedented event in industrial history: energy degradation, which can be viewed as a regressive movement in the existing technological stage.

Sokolov, A. N. The effectiveness of energy resources and successive technological stages / A. N. Sokolov // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2011, N 5. - С. 428-438.


Количество страниц: 10 с.

We have studied the process of artificial methane hydrates obtaining in static conditions from distilled and "secondary" water (prepared by the decomposition of methane hydrate), as well as the additional metal surface using inside of cameras. It was found dependence from the type of the liquid phase and the presence/absence of additional metal surface inside the camera; in the same initial conditions of temperature and pressure, it can be obtained samples with different degrees of transformation of the "water-gas" to hydrate and various crystalline morphology.

Semenov, M. E. Study of the methane hydrates obtaining process in static conditions / M. E. Semenov, E. Yu. Shitz // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2012, N 5. - С. 466-474.


Количество страниц: 8 с.

The process of the paraffin type asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits dissolution in the alkane base gas condensate, hexane-benzene mixture (HBM) and hexane at 10 and 25°C is investigated. These deposits are formed during oil production in the Irelyakh field. The comparative effectiveness evaluation of studied solvents is performed by the widely used in practice "baskets" method and the results of kinetic studies.

Ivanova, I. K. Use of a kinetic study for the effectiveness evaluation of asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) solvents / I. K. Ivanova, E. Yu. Shitz // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2012, N 3. - С. 353-359.

Заглавие: Goals of humanity and mind

Количество страниц: 14 с.

We are not interested in the myths and misty legends presented as truthful. For example, we consider the question of the existence of souls and spirits as a scientific problem and are not in a hurry to adopt a point of view before research in this field is progressing. As proofs of the existence and survival of a soul or the souls of a man are not convincing, instead of thinking a lot about the possibility of entering a hypothetical paradise after death and escaping the hell, we are interested in research aimed at the prolongation of human life and even in the different possibilities of attaining immortality, the problems of salvation of mankind and the more general problem of development of the Mind in the Universe.
Нас не интересуют мифы и легенды, представленные как правдивые. Например, мы рассматриваем вопрос о существовании душ и духов как научную проблему и не торопимся принимать какую-то точку зрения, пока исследования в этой области не прогрессируют. Поскольку доказательства существования и выживания души или душ человека неубедительны, вместо того, чтобы много думать о возможности попасть в гипотетический рай после смерти и избежать ада, мы заинтересованы в исследованиях, направленных на продление жизни и даже в различных возможностях достижения бессмертия, проблемах спасения человечества и более общей проблеме развития Разума во Вселенной.

Tomski, G. V. Goals of humanity and mind / Grigori Tomski // Bulletin de l’Académie Internationale CONCORDE. - 2017. – N 2. – С. 77-89.

Заглавие: Practice of Tangrism

Количество страниц: 10 с.

The various manifestations with the Tangrian prayers and the blessings of the participants remain a fundamental part of the contemporary Sakha (Yakut) culture. Focusing on large gatherings that are spectacular, such experiments operate more on the basis of emotional mobilization than on adherence to a religious and mythical content. Let us note the active participation in these events of representatives of other nations. Tangran events are also organized in Kazakhstan, Tatarstan, South Siberia and other countrys and regions.
Различные тангрийские молитвы и благословения остаются фундаментальной частью современной культуры саха (якутов). Они проводятся при больших и значительных событиях, такая практика основана больше на эмоциональной мобилизации, чем на приверженности религиозному и мифическому содержанию. Отметим активное участие в этих мероприятиях представителей других народов. Мероприятия Тангран также проводятся в Казахстане, Татарстане, Южной Сибири и других странах и регионах.

Tomski, G. V. Practice of Tangrism / Grigori Tomski // Bulletin de l’Académie Internationale CONCORDE. - 2017. – N 2. – С. 53-62.

Заглавие: Religion of Attila

Количество страниц: 220 с.

There are many literary works on Attila and Genghis Khan, written by European, American and Russian authors. One of their main shortcomings is the flagrant ignorance of the religion of these great historical figures. My works of Attila are devoted to the analysis of the great historical mysteries: - Relations between Attila and Aetius; - Enigmas of the Catalaunian Fields; - Mysteries of the meeting of Attila and Pope Leo in Italy. The form of literary works not only allows for the logical analysis of historical events, but also the creation of the psychological portraits of the participants in these events for a better understanding of the deep motivations of their actions.
Есть много литературных произведений об Аттиле и Чингисхане, написанных европейцами, американскими и российскими авторами. Один из их главных недостатков - вопиющее незнание религии этих великих исторических личностей. Мои работы про Аттилу, посвящены разбору великих исторических загадок: - Отношения Аттилы и Аэция; - Загадки каталаунских полей; - Тайны встречи Аттилы и Папы Льва в Италии. Форма литературных произведений позволяет не только логически анализировать исторические события, а также создать психологические портреты участников этих событий для лучшего понимания глубинной мотивации их действий.

Tomski, G. V. Religion of Attila / Grigori Tomski // Bulletin de l’Académie Internationale CONCORDE. - 2017. – N 2. – С. 3-52.