Woolly rhinoceros baby is three times older than thought: Autopsy reveals 18-month-old calf roamed Siberia 34,000 years ago: [with comments of the head of the Department of Mammoth Fauna Studies of the Sakha Republic Academy of Science Dr Albert Protopopov]
Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]
Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]
Stewart, Will.
Woolly rhinoceros baby is three times older than thought: Autopsy reveals 18-month-old calf roamed Siberia 34,000 years ago : [with comments of the head of the Department of Mammoth Fauna Studies of the Sakha Republic Academy of Science Dr Albert Protopopov] / Will Stewart // Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]. - 2015. - 10 September. URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3226512/Woolly-rhinoceros-baby-three-times-older-thought-Autopsy-reveals-18-month-old-calf-roamed-Siberia-34-000-years-ago.html.- [16+]. -
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