Could woolly mammoths help combat oil spills? Bacteria growing on the carcasses of Ice Age beasts breaks down fossil fuels: [comments of the senior scientist of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems in Yakutsk Dc. Larisa Yerofeevskaya]
Stewart Will, Cтюарт Уилл

Could woolly mammoths help combat oil spills? Bacteria growing on the carcasses of Ice Age beasts breaks down fossil fuels: [comments of the senior scientist of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems in Yakutsk Dc. Larisa Yerofeevskaya]


2015 : [новостной сайт]

О бактериях, найденных на останках мамонта. С комментариями старшего научного сотрудника Института проблем нефти и газа СО РАН Ларисы Ерофеевской

Stewart, Will.
Could woolly mammoths help combat oil spills? Bacteria growing on the carcasses of Ice Age beasts breaks down fossil fuels : [comments of the senior scientist of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems in Yakutsk Dc. Larisa Yerofeevskaya] / Will Stewart // : [новостной сайт]. - 2015. - 25 November. URL: [16+]. -

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