Ice-encrusted athletes compete in the world's coldest race in temperatures of -61F in Russia – but nobody manages to finish it: [with comments of the Russian champion runner Yegor Abramov, runner Sargylana Neustroyeva]
Stewart Will, Стюарт Уилл

Ice-encrusted athletes compete in the world's coldest race in temperatures of -61F in Russia – but nobody manages to finish it: [with comments of the Russian champion runner Yegor Abramov, runner Sargylana Neustroyeva]


2019 : [новостной сайт]

О соревнованиях по бегу в экстремально - холодных условиях Якутии. С комментариями чемпиона России по бегу Егора Абрамова, легкоатлетки Саргыланы Неустроевой

Stewart, Will.
Ice-encrusted athletes compete in the world's coldest race in temperatures of -61F in Russia – but nobody manages to finish it : [with comments of the Russian champion runner Yegor Abramov, runner Sargylana Neustroyeva] / Will Stewart // : [новостной сайт]. - 2019. - 11 January. URL: [16+]. -

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