Suspected first trace of Beringia people on the land bridge - now mostly sunken - joining Russia and North America: [with the comments of the researcher Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN) Tomas Simokaitis]

Suspected first trace of Beringia people on the land bridge - now mostly sunken - joining Russia and North America: [with the comments of the researcher Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN) Tomas Simokaitis]


2018 : [новостной сайт]

Об археологических находках на острове Столбовой, с комментариями сотрудника Института гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера Томаса Симокаитиса

Suspected first trace of Beringia people on the land bridge - now mostly sunken - joining Russia and North America : [with the comments of the researcher Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN) Tomas Simokaitis] / photo Ilya Kravchenko // : [новостной сайт]. - 2018. - 15 August. URL: (дата обращения: 16.05.2023). - [18+]. -

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