World’s northernmost Palaeolithic settlement found on Kotelny island in the Arctic: [about the occurance of a woolly mammoth killed by people Palaeolithic era ant their butchering tools. Comments of senior researcher at the Stone Age Archaeology Department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, part of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kandyba, head of the department of mammoth fauna of the Academy of Sciences of Yakutia Dr Albert Protopopov]
Gertcyk Olga, Герцик Ольга, Лесовска Анна, Liesowska Anna

World’s northernmost Palaeolithic settlement found on Kotelny island in the Arctic: [about the occurance of a woolly mammoth killed by people Palaeolithic era ant their butchering tools. Comments of senior researcher at the Stone Age Archaeology Department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, part of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kandyba, head of the department of mammoth fauna of the Academy of Sciences of Yakutia Dr Albert Protopopov]

2021 : [информационный портал]

В местности Таба-Юрях на острове Котельный (Новосибирские острова) найдены останки шерстистого мамонта, орудия его забоя древними людьми периода Палеолита. Комментарии старшего научного сотрудника отдела археологии каменного века Института археологии и этнографии Сибирского отделения Российской Академии наук Александр Кандыба, заведующего отделом мамонта Академии наук Якутии Альберта Протопопова

World’s northernmost Palaeolithic settlement found on Kotelny island in the Arctic : [about the occurance of a woolly mammoth killed by people Palaeolithic era ant their butchering tools. Comments of senior researcher at the Stone Age Archaeology Department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, part of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kandyba, head of the department of mammoth fauna of the Academy of Sciences of Yakutia Dr Albert Protopopov] / Olga Gertcyk, Anna Liesowska ; photo Innokenty Pavlov // : [информационный портал]. - 2021. - 19 августа. Режим доступа: https: //

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