Film Screening “Kolyma: Road of Bones”: [about film of Stanislaw Mucha how local population live in the region with so "hard" past caused by famous highway was built by the prisoners, most of them lost their lives there]
Frenkel Elisa, Френкел Элиза

Film Screening “Kolyma: Road of Bones”: [about film of Stanislaw Mucha how local population live in the region with so "hard" past caused by famous highway was built by the prisoners, most of them lost their lives there]


2021 : [образовательный портал]

О фильме Станислава Муха "Колыма: дорогая на костях", рассказывающем о жизни людей в "тяжелых" местах. Федеральную дорогу "Колыма" строили заключенные, большинство из которых там и осталось. О строительстве трассы Якутск - Магадан протяженностью 2000 км.

Frenkel, Elisa.
Film Screening “Kolyma: Road of Bones” : [about film of Stanislaw Mucha how local population live in the region with so "hard" past caused by famous highway was built by the prisoners, most of them lost their lives there] / Eliza Frenkel // : [образовательный портал]. - 2021. - 11 ноября. Режим доступа: https: //

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