Демонстрационный экзамен как форма итоговой аттестации (на примере опыта СВФУ) = Demonstration exam as a form of final certification: the NEFU experience
Статья в журнале
демонстрационный и практикоориентированный экзамен; Ворлдскиллс; FutureSkills; КОД; навыки будущего; государственная итоговая и промежуточная аттестация; независимый эксперт; оценка профессиональной готовности выпускника; скиллс-паспорт; demonstration and practice-oriented exam; Worldskills; Future Skills; code of practice; skills of the future; state final and intermediate certification; independent expert; assessment of graduate’sprofessional readiness; skills passport
Народное образование. Педагогика
The article discusses various theoretical and empirical methods used in research, including the analysis of the regulatory framework, conducting expert assessment and statistical processing of results, using descriptive examination methods, theoretical and methodological features of organizing and conducting demonstration exams. The article presents the experience and results of conducting exams on in-demand competencies; students have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in specific situations and show how ready they are for professional activity. The general purpose of such examinations is to assess students’ readiness for work, where the key is not only the presence of basic knowledge, but also the ability to apply it in practical activities. The pilot testing took place in 2018, and in 2021 the NEFU introduced competency exams as the final certification of students and a mechanism for organizing educational activities of the university. The introduction of the exam into the main professional educational programs determines the degree of formation of professional skills and abilities by conducting an independent assessment of practical tasks performed by the student, performed in real time and simulating professional activity. The exam results determine the level of development of competencies of future specialists. 2022-2023 participation in the Future Skills project, implementation of tools for developing skills of the future. The role of the Future Skills University project in the qualitative transformation of the training system and mobile response to new technological structures, as well as new needs of the labor market.
Никулина, А. А. Демонстрационный экзамен как форма итоговой аттестации (на примере опыта СВФУ) / А. А. Никулина ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Педагогика. Психология. Философия". - 2023. - 4 (32). - C. 42-47. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-5604-2023-4-42-47
DOI: 10.25587/2587-5604-2023-4-42-47
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