Ответственность: Томский Михаил Иннокентьевич (Редактор)
Издательство: Компания "Дани Алмас"
Год выпуска: 2010
Количество страниц: 180 с.
The monograph presents the results of the work of the staff of the YaNTS KMP SB RAMS under the state order RS (Y) N 36 on the topic "Assessing the health status of indigenous peoples of the RS (Y) and optimizing medical care using innovative technologies and telemedicine in the places of their compact residence." The children's population was examined in 19 places of compact residence of the small peoples of the North, the adult population - at 12. The book is addressed to healthcare organizers, doctors, students and graduate students of medical schools, as well as to anyone interested in this problem
Состояние здоровья населения в местах компактного проживания коренных малочисленных народов Севера Якутии : монография / . Т. Е. Бурцева, Т. Е. Уварова - Якутск : Компания "Дани Алмас", 2010. - 175 с.
Количество страниц: 4 с.
Priorities of pathological affection structure of the population are certained. Authentically significant distinctions in prevalence of pathology of urinogenital system, respiratory system, osteal-muscular and endocrine systems, infectious diseases among surveyed population of Zhigansk and Ust-Maj regions are established. Correlation dependence of a pathological affection level from way of life, floor space security, incomes level and educational level of the population is revealed
Распространенность основных классов болезней в местах компактного проживания коренных малочисленных народов Севера Республики Саха (Якутия) / Т. Е. Уварова, Т. Е. Бурцева, С. И. Софронова // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2009. – N 3 (27). – С. 8-11.
Количество страниц: 3 с.
Studying of structure of morbidity on taking medical advice at the teenagers living in various medical-geographical zones of Republics Sakha (Yakutia).The material of retrospective studying of out-patient cards of 2385 children in the age of from 15 till 17 years surveyed in Children’s consultative department of the Pediatric centre of Republican hospital of ө1-National centre of medicine for 2005-2007 is presented. Statistically significant distinctions in morbidity structures depending on sex and residence of the surveyed children are established. The state of health of teenagers is substantially defined by a complex of specific conditions of the inhabitancy inherent for each medical-geographical zones of RS (Y)
Заболеваемость подростков северных и арктических районов Республики Саха (Якутия) по обращаемости в ПЦ РБ N1-НЦМ / Т. Е. Уварова, Т. Е. Бурцева, С. Я. Яковлева, Т. И. Куклина, А. И. Оконешникова,М. И. Самсонова,В.П. Шадрин, Л. А. Николаева, В. Г. Часнык // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2008. – N 4 (24). – С. 19-21.
Количество страниц: 2 с.
Analysis of the main medical and demographic indicators of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 1990-2005. made it possible to identify a number of negative trends that determined the demographic development of the republic in recent years: a decrease in the total population, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, an increase in the demographic burden on the able-bodied population, and a change in the migration profit of the population due to its migration loss. The poor demographic situation that has developed over the years in remote areas of the Far North dictates the need for a thorough study of the whole complex of medical, social, medical, biological and environmental factors that shape the health of the population of the northern territories
Динамика основных медико-демографических показателей Республики Саха (Якутия) за 1990-2005 гг. / Т. Е. Уварова, Т. Е. Бурцева, М. И. Самсонова, М. И. Томский, Р. В. Яковлев // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2008. – N 4 (24). – С. 4-5.
Количество страниц: 4 с.
The basic tendencies of modern demographic and medicaldemographic processes in indigenous small in numbers people of the North of Republic Sakha (Yakutia) are determined: growth of native ethnoses; mass inflow of agricultural population to city settlements; the low level of demographic loading on able-bodied population with persons of younger and older than able-bodied age; prevalence of the female population over the man’s population; growth of number of persons never been married; growth of an educational level of the population
Динамика современных демографических и медико-демографических процессов у коренных малочисленных народов Севера Республики Саха (Якутия) / Т. Е. Бурцева, Т. Е. Уварова, Н. В. Махарова, М. И. Томский // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2008. – N 2 (22). – С. 112-114.
Количество страниц: 4 с.
Neuroendocrine and immune systems are the main adaptive and homeostatic systems of the body, closely interacting in the process of performing their specific functions. Violations at different levels of interaction of these systems can precede the oncological, immunodeficiency, allergic and autoimmune diseases, and also initiate their development and progression
Основные принципы и закономерности интеграции нейроэндокринной и иммунной систем / Т. Е, Уварова, Т. Е. Бурцева, М. И. Самсонова, М. И. Томский, В. К. Козлов, Г. М. Баишева // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2008. – N 2 (22). – С. 59-82.
Количество страниц: 4 с.
Results of breast milk research of 236 women belonging to different ethnic groups of the Russian North are put in a work basis. It is revealed that the breast milk of women of the native small in numbers people of the North contains authentically less protein and carbohydrates, than of the Russian women and more fat and less protein, than of women-Yakuts.
Сравнительная характеристика качественного состава грудного молока женщин различных этнических груп Российского Севера / М. С. Саввина, В. Г. Часнык, Т. Е. Бурцева, Т. Е. Уварова, И. В. Солодкова, С. Я. Яковлева // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2010. – N 4 (32). – С. 22-25.
Количество страниц: 2 с.
Priorities of pathological morbidity structure of the population in places of compact residing of native small in numbers people of Republic Sakha (Yakutia) are ascertained. Authentically significant distinctions in prevalence of pathology of digestive organs, respiratory organs and osteomuscular system in Dolgans, Evenks and Evens are established. The revealed ethnic distinctions substantially have been caused by socially hygienic conditions of life in areas of residing of native people of the North.
Социально-гигиенические аспекты состояния здоровья коренных малочисленных народов Республики Саха (Якутия) / Т. Е. Уварова, Т. Е. Бурцева // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2011. – N 4 (36). – С. 8-10.
Количество страниц: 2 с.
- Прикладные науки. Медицина. Ветеринария. Техника. Сельское хозяйство > Медицина > История медицины,
- Прикладные науки. Медицина. Ветеринария. Техника. Сельское хозяйство > Медицина > Патология. Клиническая медицина > Педиатрия,
The analysis of the basic indexes of health care system of the population in residence of the native small in numbers people of the North of Republic Sakha (Yakutia) for 1990, 1995, 1999-2003 is carried out. The basic tendencies such as decrease of number of medical institutions, feldsher’s-obstetrical stations, bed complement and number of personnel resources are detected
Динамика основных показателей медицинской обеспеченности населения в районах проживания коренных малочисленных народов Севера / Т. Е. Уварова, Т. Е. Бурцева // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2011. – N 1 (33). – С. 73-74.
Количество страниц: 5 с.
In this article the authors present results of the anthropometric examination of the 11 675 children up to 3 years, belonging to different ethnic groups living in the Republic of Sakha Yakutia. The Sakha – 7197, Russian – 3915, the North small in number people – 563. The height of these children is different but the Russian children have a higher height than the Sakha and a small in number people of North. The weight of the small in number people of North is higher than the Sakha and Russian on this period of life
Физическое развитие детей до 3 лет в Республике Саха (Якутия) / М. С. Саввина, В. Г. Часнык, Т. Е. Бурцева, Г. Г. Дранаева, В. П. Шадрин, Т. Е. Уварова, С. Л. Аврусин, Е. В Синельникова // Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2012. – N 3 (39). – С. 10-14.